Infini-T: T-Cards Evolved – An Old Dog Learns New Tricks

Infini-T T-Card Panels - T-Cards evolved

T-Card systems just got better!

T-Card systems have been a long and faithful servant to its planning and scheduling master. Obedient, efficient, and reliable, repeatedly delivering results in the most economical way. Paper, plastic and printed T-Cards have successfully been used with metal and plastic T-Card panels in industrial and office environments.

However, as time has progressed T-Card systems have not evolved to reach even higher standards of usefulness and efficiency. Panels have remained grey, beige and ridged with planning capacity constrained by a limited choice of slot depths, and a difficulty in easily extending a system.

That was until Infini-T!

These lightweight panels are available in various striking colours and can be extended upwards to your hearts content through the simple addition of 20 slot expansion panels. No longer are you constrained to a single panel height per system, as Infini-T has completely eradicated the need for fixed wall rails through the panels magnetic or adhesive backing!

Change of plan or want to start a new project? The magnetic panel layouts can be completely rearranged in seconds, changing the colour combinations the panel heights and even the number of columns. Need to subdivide columns or sections? No problem, the header inserts can be slotted into any part of the panel forming completely customisable divisions and sections.

And now for one of the newest tricks. These panels can be integrated directly into huddle or scrum boards and can form part of your whiteboard display. They can be an interactive and tactile planning tool, being manipulated during planning and discussions. Infini-T also offers new T-Card applications, they can perform an elegant In/Out Board function, produce a fully bespoke and colour coded Kanban board and can even be directly mounted on shelving or machinery to operate as stock control or maintenance logs.

And finally, with the home office boom, these economic and flexible panels are the perfect way to integrate the visual and immediate organisational abilities synonymous with T-Cards directly into your home, even being a delightful way of recording important events on your fridge!

T-Cards have evolved and are bringing their time-tested functionality into a whole new world