Tag Archives: visualisation

Understanding Card Kanban – A simple Explanation & Example

What Is Card Kanban – In a few sentences Card Kanban is a production planning system that uses cards or tags to signal demand for a particular item or product. The cards are physically moved between different stations or processes to signal the need for production or replenishment of inventory. What Is Card Kanban – […]

Manual Planning Systems and Visualisation Boards in 2023?

Surely they disappeared years ago..? Really? –  I remember the same claims for truly paperless offices. Have you seen any? – I know I haven’t come across many. You are probably not even aware of how many manual planning and visualisation systems are in daily use. They remain popular, they have simply been adapted to […]

How To Make My Notice Board Look & Work Better

Noticeboard Display

So paper on a wall is never very pretty but in the current world both at home and at work we need calendars, signs, posters, legal information, timetables – you name it – displayed on our walls. The standard method of displaying information is to group it together in one space on a  board. Whether […]